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Bottom-up insight.

Teams know what is really going on.

The first thing a management consultant will do when optimising a business is talk to the people at the coal face. 


Perspective does that scalably, sustainably, regularly, in a psychologically safe way, and for a tiny fraction of the price.  It highlights the risks and opportunities you need to be aware of, giving you the full picture, not the edited highlights.

Image showing senior leaders see 4% of problems, next level leaders see 7%, team leaders see 74%, and team members see 100%

Safe transparency. 

Clever use of AI means that your employees can enter the problems and opportunities that they see without having to worry about:


- how they phrase things

- if they will be able to be identified

- how the feedback will come across


This means that you hear the real, unfiltered, truth from the people who see what is going on.


Anything and everything can be surfaced, from operational, or commercial issues, to intrapersonal dynamics, to project opportunities or legislative risks.

The metrics that matter.

Avoid analysis paralysis.  Measure the few people metrics that truly matter.

Go beyond trends

Screenshot of Perspective Dashboard showing risks and opportunties

Perspective enables you to see exactly what is holding back your teams. 


You can also identify teams that are at risk, positive shifts being achieved by your teams as a consequence of Perspective, and how things are changing over time.

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